Professional supplier of radiation detection

15 Years Manufacturing Experience

Shanghai Renji | National Customs Laboratory radioactive material detection technology training successfully concluded!

Actively participate in the China Customs Science and Technology Research Center and China Customs Management Executive College jointly held the national Customs radioactive material detection technology training, from July 15 to 19, 2024, Tianjin Ergonomics Detecting Instrument Co., Ltd. with Shanghai Renji and Shanghai Yixing participated in the training meeting.

National customs laboratory radioactive material detection technology training

Shanghai Renji participated in this technical training brought RJ41 flow type low background α, β measuring instrument, RJ37-7105HP intelligent neutron ambient dose equivalent rate instrument, RJ32-2102P highly sensitive X, γ dose rate instrument, RJ39-2180Pα, β surface contamination instrument and RJ31-6101 wristwatch type multi-functional personal radiation monitor and other kinds of products.

National customs laboratory radioactive material detection training
National customs laboratory radioactive material detection technology training 1

The staff introduced the company's newly developed radioactive material detection products to the visitors, showing its high precision and convenience, as well as the on-site demonstration of the use of the product and the effect. The visitors have expressed strong interest in the kernel machine products and expressed their expectations for the prospects of their application in customs business.

National customs laboratory radioactive material detection technology training 2

The training meeting, experts and participants in the port nuclear safety situation and policy, rapid analysis of radioactive substances technology frontier, radioactive pollution regulatory standards system and other related professional issues have launched a warm discussion. The customs task is important, as the gatekeeper, to ensure the security and stability of the national border, because of the particularity and urgency of the responsibility, Shanghai Renji actively respond to the national security strategy, combined with artificial intelligence and big data analysis technology, our company launched a new package of smart customs solutions.

The scheme realizes paperless customs clearance through AI automatic identification technology, monitors business status in real time, and improves customs clearance efficiency. Smart customs solutions help intelligent customs clearance services, make customs supervision smarter and more efficient! Shanghai Renji, a professional manufacturer of intelligent supervision equipment!

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The experience of participating in the training meeting not only allowed Shanghai Renji to better demonstrate its technical strength, provided us with a platform for learning and exchange, but also further enhanced our professional ability in the field of radioactive material detection. We will uphold the mission of "serving the society with science and technology, creating a new environment for radiation safety", constantly improve our own strength, provide customers with better quality and more reliable products and services, so that we have the opportunity to jointly promote the development of the industry and contribute to the cause of national security!

Post time: Jul-19-2024